This work is indicated for you who want to sell a property as soon as possible and have already made several advertisements but still cannot make the sale. It is a very good job specific to selling real estate. The results of this work are fast and, usually, the person manages to make the sale even before completing 21 days of the completion of the work. It is a work done in the foundations of Exú Barauanã, where he is given the necessary offerings so that he opens the way for such property to be sold as quickly as possible. To do this work we will need a photo of the front of said property. We guarantee 100% the results of this work or we will refund your money. To do this work here we charge R$ 20 thousand reais in cash. Like all the work we do here, this one also has guarantees in the document. We remind you that an exclusive page will be created for you here on our website, so that you can follow up on your work here with us through photos, audios and videos of your work. To request this job, just fill out the form below, To request this job, just fill in the WhatsApp form correctly...+55 0xx34 9 9150.2401
Global Presence
The Spiritual Works the surgeries for each Work from end to end golden scalpel, whether for loving binding, pact, onshore or offshore, which usually take place in isolated high-risk locations, requires a high level of expertise and this King of voodoo has to spare.
Attention: You need to register or already have a registration on the site to proceed.
mail: corporate.
Telephone +55 0xx(34)99150-2401 CASO DE URGÊNCIA
Temple Landline Phone +55 0xx(34)3662-3812